This time of year, most of us just want to stay at home. The weather is bitterly cold and the roads are icy, so we don't even venture out. Instead we linger over evenings alone--and sometimes go a little stir-crazy.
So, just in case you find yourself with nothing to do this February, here are some fun stay-at-home winter ideas.
build a blanket fort with the kids in your life.
flip a cookbook open at random and make the first thing your eye falls on. Don't have all the ingredients? Get creative and substitute.
up-cycle something.
make a homemade valentine (the day will be here before you know it!)
write a card or letter to someone who isn't able to get out.
research charities that use finances wisely so that you know who to support and what exactly they stand for.
pick a topic and research it for fun. You could even write a paper on it--if you're feeling studious.
Learn how to make your favorite coffee shop drink.
Houseclean and redecorate a room in your house.
Maybe you are one of the people who read this list and shook your head. "Nothing to do? Who has nothing to do?"
Let me encourage you to pare back on some of the things in your life so that you can make room for a little stay-at-home fun. At the end of your life, you will not wish that you had stayed at the office longer. You will not regret forfeiting all that overtime pay.
Instead, you will regret not making space for simple happiness.