While only an extremely few volunteers are able to be utilized with the IDPH restrictions during COVID, the Home is extremely thankful for Matt Hoffman's years of mowing the lawn. His countless hours of giving to help keep the campus beautiful, especially during the rainy spring season when the grass takes more than weekly cutting and trimming, are truly appreciated. Here Matt is shown on the rider in the huge area by the Country View apartments on the backside of the nursing home.
If you missed the Healthcare Job Fair last Tuesday, April 27, it’s not too late! Anyone who has a passion for serving seniors is needed as all shifts are available for full time and part time CNA’s, housekeepers, cooks, and activity staff as well as a Volunteer & Visitation Coordinator. Please call Heather at 923-2071 ext. 114 or email heather@achroanoke.org for more information. In addition, Victory Home Care is looking for staff that has even more flexible hours with shorter shifts and smaller commitment. Please contact Holly Gerdes, agency manager, at 309-306-2429. Please consider helping our local nursing home to meet the mission of serving those from our community who need assistance. Needs are high and good, caring staff is essential!
The day of worship on April 18 had the Roanoke Apostolic Christian Church’s Sunday church service live streamed for residents to listen that morning and/or watch the replay on Monday. Oh, more than ever before, how modern technology is appreciated to help keep people connected with each other.
The reading of the Daily Guidepost each morning over the intercom system brings encouragement to all those who are listening. “Now the God of patience and consolation grant you to be likeminded one toward another according to Christ Jesus” Romans 15:5 KJV May God who gives patience and encouragement help you to live in complete harmony with each other.
Morning Stretch started off with a wakeup call on activity channel 2 with the Grow Young starter pack. The residents really appreciate these simple exercises to help get the heart pumping. Also that morning Manicure Monday was a highlight again for the ladies with one commenting “how good to get a hand massage” along with the option of getting a fresh coat of polish on their nails. The afternoon featured the favorite activity…BINGO…along with resident room visits. Poetry was read to some while others enjoyed chatting about the lilac bushes and beautiful tulips blooming in the neighbors’ yards across from the Home.
On Tuesday during the Goodwill Club, residents were able to write cards of encouragement to their friends. One thoughtful sender was so excited to write a little note to someone who was in isolation. This is such a nice activity for those needing a little assistance to write a thank you card or send a get well card to their loved ones. Can’t we all relate to the good intensions of getting these types of notes sent but not always being successful in the follow through to get it done? With the prediction for snow in the forecast, it was decided to hit the beaches and warm weather with the Travelogue activity. Locations included the Florida Keys, Huntington Beach in California, Merchants Millspond in North Carolina, and Cumberland Gap, Virginia. Filling everyone’s thoughts with fun vacation locations helped lift spirits.
It was BINGO time again already on Wednesday morning, which everyone enjoyed. Even more residents are able to participate when numbers are announced over the intercom. In the afternoon, residents snuggled in their chairs to watch the funny antics of Curious George, the little monkey (along with the man in the yellow hat) that seemingly gets into a lot of unusual predicaments no matter what he does. This is a very familiar children’s book series that many recalled from reading to their grandchildren. The evening concluded with the church service live streamed.
In Morning Stretch on Thursday, activity staff went around to resident rooms and had residents exercising in their chairs. Some residents replied, “This feels so good.” It is so helpful to have someone help motivate you to get the muscle movement our bodies all need. During Inspirational Stories, accounts were read about different good times and bad times. It’s only by God’s grace man is sustained.
Repeatedly in the New Testament the exhortation is to “Be of good cheer!” The Daily Guidepost reading over the intercom on Friday morning brought out this encouragement to both residents and staff. Following this was Step Back in Time. It was a hit to reminisce and talk about the good ole days of planting vegetables. Other stories of springtime were also shared. Yes, it does feel that everything is made new in springtime. Word search puzzles were passed out with topics on Resort Vacations, Keep America Beautiful month, and National Jelly Bean month. The activities for the day concluded with Gospel Music on activity channel 2. The beautiful music from the Legacy Five Live in Peoria DVD was an unforgettable concert experience.
Saturday morning was filled with activity staff passing out the Woodford County Journal newspapers along with the other USPS mail that arrived that day. The residents certainly enjoy reading the Home’s weekly article and looking at the pictures. As one resident put it when receiving their paper, “We have to keep up on the news.” The movie that day was the Walt Disney produced film the Iron Will, an uplifting, true-life story of a brave young man and his courageous team of sled dogs. Hang on for the ride of your life as this action-packed adventure delivers thrilling heroics and rugged scenery while embarking on a grueling and treacherous, 500-mile cross-country marathon. Together man and dogs raced through frozen wilderness in pursuit of the hope to capture the $10,000 grand prize to save the family from financial ruin.
Thank you again to the community for their support of the Drive-Thru Fish Fry Fundraiser on April 16. Many staff members, retired staff members, volunteers, and board members worked together to coordinate this successful event. Without the help of many, it would not be possible. Another very special thanks to volunteers Deb Reilman and Patsy Kaeb, who have both retired from working at the Home but remained as PRN or as needed staff. All proceeds from this fundraiser directly benefit the nursing home. Those unable to attend but still wanting to support this effort may drop off a donation at the Home or mail a check with a notation “Fish Fry Fundraiser” in the memo line to: A.C. Home of Roanoke, PO Box 530, Roanoke, IL 61561-0530.
NOTE: “The Cottage,” the new Countryside Barn used for indoor, climate-controlled window visits for residents and their families/friends, is up and running! You can’t miss this beautiful shed located in the Home’s west parking lot in front of the building. Remember appointments MUST be scheduled in advance, using the link to Calendly on the homepage of the Home’s website: www.achroanoke.org