These snowmen in the office window are getting a lot of positive comments on how cute they look. These were all made last year by residents and staff during different group activities.
Each weekday is started with a daily devotion read over the intercom from Daily Guidepost. This is something activity staff has been doing since the COVID restrictions began. Previously the early morning gathering in the front lobby had always included reading Daily Guideposts a few days a week. Many residents have commented that they enjoy hearing the Bible verse and short inspirational story read over the intercom each day now. It’s a great way for everyone—residents and staff alike—to begin the day with a focus on God’s Word.
Monday Manicures was the next activity on January 11, which also included hand and arm massages with oils. Activity staff loves these little touches that make our ladies feel special.
Later that morning a replay of Sunday’s Roanoke Apostolic Christian Church service was shown on activity channel 2. While services are available live, we’ve found it’s very helpful for residents to have the opportunity to watch the church services again later.
This week another round of in-room BINGO was added to the activity calendar on Monday afternoons. And imagine this…activity staff didn’t get a single complaint! Our residents still enjoy playing this favorite game to win their stash of candy. Chocolate is the favorite!

In the evening, residents thoroughly enjoyed a window hymn sing by the Eureka/Congerville Apostolic Christian Faith Young Groups.
On Tuesday for Travelogue, “National Geographic’s Most Incredible Photos” was shown on activity channel 2. This DVD was three programs in one: Lava Hunter, Afghan Warrior, & Nat Geo’s Top 10 Photos. The images were striking and the stories behind them were amazing.

Later in Crafts was a winter scavenger hunt. Residents looked through magazines in search of winter pictures and scenes like sledding, sipping hot chocolate, a horse and sleigh in the snow, snowmen, children wearing mittens, animals playing in the snow, a hot bowl of steaming soup, etc. Next the pictures were glued onto a poster board to make a colorful collage, which was hung at the end of the east hallway. While hunting for the pictures, it brought back lots of joyful memories of winter times past. When residents take a walk with staff, they enjoy stopping by the pretty poster to look at it again. Don’t you just love the photo on the left side toward the top of the grandma holding her toddler’s hand with their heads tilted way back and mouths open wide with her tongue out, trying to catch a falling snowflake?
That evening residents were blessed another window hymn sing. This time the Eureka/Roanoke/Congerville/Goodfield Apostolic Christian Young Groups shared their vocal talents. Those who are shut in seemingly never get tired of listening to the youth sing praises to God, especially when it’s their old favorites of bygone years.
Wednesday morning residents played BINGO. Hurray for chocolate candy prizes! That evening the live Roanoke Apostolic Christian Church service was played over the intercom as well as on activity channel 2.
Thursday morning’s Morning Stretch included a chair exercise video. This video is designed to work out while seated in a chair. It’s simple and safe and fun, too.
Later that morning was replay of last night’s church service with a message from Bro. Nate Hodel.
In the afternoon while discussing Winter Memories, there was an indoor snow ball fights with fake snowballs. Activity staff and residents threw soft fabric balls back and forth and totally had a blast.
“Little Princess” starring Shirley Temple was our Thursday movie during Popcorn Pop-in.
Friday morning word searches were passed out with topics like National Tea month and winter. Inspirational Stories were shared during one-on-one visit as well. The fantastic gospel singing of The Collingsworth Family Gospel Concert was played on activity channel 2 that morning. This extremely talented musical family is very entertaining as well as lifts your spirits when giving God the glory. Thank you to the generous donor of several brand new DVDs of this award winning southern gospel group. More family-friendly Christian movies or old classics, prior TV series like Lawrence Welk, Carol Burnett, Little House on the Prairie, etc., gospel concerts like Statler Brothers, Gaithers, quartet groups, etc., Sight & Sound Theater performances, and travelogues of national parks or other destinations are need and would be greatly appreciated.
Friday evening included an in-room Pajama Party, watching the comedy of “I love Lucy” over the activity channel and sipping root beer floats served to everyone’s room.

This new outdoor heater was installed last week. It really helps make window visits more comfortable for families coming to see their loved ones in the nursing home.

In addition, this new intercom system is a great improvement for residents and families to more easily communicate without the use of a cell phone at window visits during the no visitors COVID restriction mandated on long-term care facilities.