The activity department is hoping the weather will be favorable again this year for a modified annual Children’s Easter Party on Good Friday, April 2. Similar to last year, we will host an Outdoor Easter Scavenger Hunt for residents to safely view guests through windows. Everyone (all ages) is welcome to participate; you do not need to have a loved one currently living in the Home or Country View apartments to participate. Reservations are not needed but remember to respect social distancing by keeping your group at least 6 feet apart from other groups. You may come any time during daylight hours. Since the exact date when construction will start on the main entrance of the nursing home is unknown, the scavenger hunt lists will be at the main entrance of Country View apartments on Davison Street and in the blog on the Home’s website at www.achroanoke.org under the BLOG tab. If possible, they will also be able at the front entrance to the Home if construction hasn’t begun. The “hidden items” will be located all around the campus. Please wave at our residents through the windows as they really enjoy seeing you. Thank you for supporting the Home by participating in this activity, which is sure to bring joy to all who watch. Remember to dress appropriately to be outside.
The week of March 21 began with the blessing of watching the Roanoke Apostolic Christian Church live on activity channel 2 on Sunday morning or listening over the intercom.
Monday Manicures began the work week with new spring Easter colored nail polish for the ladies to choose a different color. The Daily Guideposts was read each morning over the intercom, including a Bible verse to focus hearts on His Word. Psalms 30:5 “Joy cometh in the morning.” To get everyone limbered up after possibly a quiet weekend in their rooms, Morning Stretch was held with “Grow Young Fitness” shown on activity channel 2. Following that, a replay of the prior day’s Roanoke Apostolic Christian Church services was available for those who were interested. BINGO was after lunch with winners enjoying the selection of candy prizes. An afternoon matinee of the 2019 romance/drama “Little Women” was the movie playing. The evening activity was a fun game of Wheel of Fortune.

Meanwhile in the Country View dining room, Bob Scherer’s friends had a little birthday party in celebration of his special day on the the 18th.

April 23 was National Chip & Dip Day! In celebration of this special event, Goodies & Gab that afternoon had a discussion about the history of potato chips and how George Speck “Crum” invented them. In addition, a snack of chips and dip was served. The Goodwill Club that morning had activity staff going room to room with Easter greeting cards for residents to choose if they wanted to send any family members or friends a card in the mail. That evening was Trivia Night with more potato chip fun facts, including discussion on the different kinds of chips and the most popular ones. Did you know the oldest potato chip factory was founded in 1910? Flavored potato chips came about in the 1920s with salt being the first. When trying to calculate about how many bags of chips on average a person consumes in a year, the activity aide admitted “I am not good at math so I will bow out” and a resident laughed and chimed in “Glad I found someone else like me!” Everyone had so much fun! Next Candy Bar Trivia was played. This gave everyone a sweet tooth when learning facts about our favorite treats. What candy bar was included in US soldiers’ rations during WWII? It was a Heath Bar, that delicious chocolate covered toffee.
It’s BINGO again on Wednesday morning. The residents were surprised with spring shades of pastel marshmallows to mark their cards instead of ordinary white ones to use as their chips. The soft, colorful, squishy, sugary snack had some eating them before the game even started. Yum!

The afternoon was filled with Active Games as activity staff went around to everyone’s rooms. Residents were laughing as they threw rings around 4 little wooden rabbits. There was also an almost 2-feet tall wooden rabbit with a target on his tummy. Residents threw velcro sticky balls at him. “This is different!” one exclaimed. Another said, “This is harder than it looks!” The talented Collingsworth Family: Worship from Home DVD was shown on activity channel 2 later in the day. These musical DVDs have been enjoyed over and over; the Home is very grateful to those who have been so generous to donate these and many others to our collection. Word searches were passed out. Residents and Country View tenants enjoy these and how they pertain to the current season. This week the searches were “Spring is in the Air”, “Go Fly a Kite”, & “It’s Craft Month.” The Wednesday evening church service was available over the intercom as well as live on channel 2.
On Thursday morning in Morning Stretch, activity channel 2 had another round of “Grow Young Fitness.” A young man, Deron Buboltz, leads stretches and exercises via DVD that are done while seated in a chair and specific for seniors. A resident remarked, “It keeps me moving!” A replay of last night’s church service followed. During Inspirational Stories after lunch, stories were read of how angels and children have helped many people. It was encouraging to read firsthand accounts where people experienced an angel guarding them from danger. Popcorn Pop-In & Movie featured “Hachi,” a heartwarming movie about a faithful, loyal dog, while fresh popcorn and drinks were passed room to room. That evening residents enjoyed playing Pictionary. An activity aide drew a picture and residents took turns trying to guess what it was as she drew. Some of the guesses were funny while others got it right away.

The Home was blessed with a generous donation from The Heritage Center Foundation on Friday. This included a CD player and 2 sets of audiobooks Volumes 1-4 of “Stories of Faith and Courage.” These tell the experiences of Apostolic Christian believers. Volume 1 is 30 historical accounts of brethren in Eastern Europe as they suffered persecution for their faith. Volume 2 contains 22 true accounts incorporating stories of American brethren serving as noncombatants in the military as well as Eastern European families who escaped to freedom. Volume 3 compiles 33 true accounts depicting family and prison life of brethren during the World Wars and behind the Iron Curtain in Hungary, Yugoslavia, Romania, and the Ukraine. The Heritage Center Library is located in the basement of Fairview Haven Retirement Community in Fairbury, IL. This collection will provide hours of great listening.
In the evening, the Andy Griffith Show was shown on activity channel 2. It’s the best of Mayberry for the fans of this old classic.
With Palm Sunday the next day, Saturday was the perfect day to show part 1 of “The Ten Commandments.” This movie from 1956 has been recognized by the American film institute as one of the “Top Ten” epics of all time. It is the story of Moses, starring Charlton Heston. If you and your family haven’t seen this, consider taking the time to watch it together during your family time this Easter season.
NOTE: “The Cottage,” the new Countryside Barn used for indoor, climate-controlled window visits for residents and their families/friends, is up and running! You can’t miss this beautiful shed located in the Home’s west parking lot in front of the building. Appointments MUST be scheduled in advance, using the link to Calendly on the homepage of the Home’s website: www.achroanoke.org
NOTE: The Apostolic Christian Home of Roanoke is looking forward to hosting another Drive-Thru Fish Fry Fundraiser on Friday, April 16, from 4:30-7:00 pm or until sold out, whichever comes first. This take-out only dinner is $10 which includes: fried fish w/ tartar sauce, green beans, coleslaw, rye bread, and a chocolate chip cookie. It will be held in the multi-purpose room, on the back side of the nursing home on Davison Street. Traffic will enter from the west on Davison Street and move to the east to get the carryout meals on the backside of the nursing home. All proceeds directly benefit the Apostolic Christian Home of Roanoke.
