This week began with focusing on a verse from Psalm 136:1 “O give thanks to the Lord, for He is good.” As the Thanksgiving season quickly approaches, what a great mindset to be more thankful to the One Who is truly good and Who loves each of us.

Everyone was overjoyed with the gorgeous, unseasonably warm weather for the first week of November. Many residents were thankful for opportunities to go for walks and sit in the courtyard in the warmth of the sunshine. Patio Visits were again very popular for families to safely visit their loved ones at this time.

With two separate locations at our facility to have two families visit with their loved one at the same time, it’s expanded the opportunity for more people to participate, especially when it may not be long before winter temperatures arrive.

Due to COVID related restrictions, activity staff was unable to hold the traditional large group monthly birthday party. Alternatively, each birthday resident is acknowledged with a cute cupcake and candle delivered directly to them in their room. Celebrating birthdays in November at the nursing home are: Teresa Martino, the 9th; P.J. Ketchmark, the 12th; Joyce Singer, the 18th; and Lyle Martin, the 21st. This year Teresa turned 90-years-old and her family honored her with a large card shower.

Another special birthday was celebrated at the Country View apartments. Tenant Harold Roth celebrated his 104th birthday this month on the 8th. He and fellow Country View tenants celebrated with a cake at their lunch meal on Friday. Then on Sunday a friend brought homemade pie for everyone at Country View. The staff wishes all those with November birthdays God’s richest blessings this year on their special day!
A variety of new word searches and puzzles were passed out for the week with topics of fall, Indian corn, and harvesting. These types of individual games are especially enjoyed during the recommendations of limiting time spent with others.
In-room Crafts this week had many residents put together cornucopias. These decorations were made of foam stickers, which many displayed on their bulletin boards. The cornucopia is commonly used as a table centerpiece at Thanksgiving and is a symbol of abundance and nourishment. It’s another good reminder to count our many blessings and be thankful.
Wednesday was Peanut Butter Lovers Day. Activity staff passed out Nutter Butter cookies to all of the residents in remembrance of this fun day.
On Thursday morning, residents had the opportunity to participate in Chair Exercises from the convenience of their own room. They could “move along” with a video shown on activity channel 2.
Brain Games this week challenged everyone with a word association game related to Veterans Day. Words associated with this special holiday to honor those who served our country got everyone appreciating and remembering our veterans.
Evening activities this week included a gospel sing video on activity channel 2, featuring the Southern Gospel group Legacy Five. Wednesday evening again had the opportunity to worship with the Roanoke Apostolic Christian Church services played over the intercom. The Friday Night Comedy Movie of “I love Lucy” along with freshly popped popcorn brought many laughs that could be heard into the hallways. There were many individual Room Visits from Activity Staff as well throughout the week.

The Roanoke Apostolic Christian Scripture Memory Class blessed the staff this week with gift bags of encouragement. Thanks to Nate & Jamie Hodel, who are organizing this year’s SMC, as well as all the teachers, parents, and students grades kindergarten through 5th grade for the darling assortment of items with cute phases on them.

For instance, the sticker on the gloves and lotion said “HANDS down, you keep the Home running SMOOTH!” and a baggie of teabags said “Thanks for warming the residents’ hearts! You are TEA-riffic!” A gift certificate from Caleri’s for a free cookie was in each gift bag as well. In addition, there was a thank you card hand-written by a student with a sweet message of appreciation, love, prayers, etc. These kinds of continued thoughtful gestures by the community mean so much to those who are serving the age and infirmed in our facility during this time of COVID.
NOTE: With the holiday seasons approaching, please know that if there’s still a limitation on indoor visitors at nursing homes that your Christmas caroling group would be very welcome to participate in a window caroling sing this year. Or your church/family group would be appreciated for a Thanksgiving hymn sing. Please contact Activity Director Mary Beth Banwart at 923-2071 ext. 170 or via email to to schedule a mutually agreeable date/time.