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July 11-17, 2021 news


COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENT of the critical staffing mode: Administrator Nate Hoffman made a special announcement of the current critical need for employees at the Home, especially CNAs and nurses as well as in the activity department. Nursing homes throughout central Illinois are all feeling the same shortage, not unlike other businesses are having, too. However, unlike restaurants that can choose to close early or be closed one day a week, a 24/7 care facility is totally different—employees are essential in caring for those who cannot care for themselves. If you or someone you know is willing to work part time even just 2-4 days a month, it would be very much appreciated. The openings for activity aids have pretty flexible scheduling options with no special licensing requirements. For high school age students, being a CNA or working in a nursing home looks outstanding on college applications as well as scholarship applications. If you have any questions, contact Heather in H/R at 923-2071 ext. 114. In addition, applications are available online under the employment tab on the Home’s website: If you are an RN, LPN, or CNA, please answer this plea for the community’s support for help at our local nursing home!

The week of July 12 began with the blessing of worshiping together in the activity room for a live church service and singing. Residents thoroughly enjoyed hearing Sam Bertschi, the new minister from the Roanoke Apostolic Christian Church, preach from God’s Holy Word. He read from Acts 27 about Paul’s shipwreck, encouraging everyone to “hang on to a board or broken piece of the ship if you feel like your ship of life is falling apart.”

Monday in Dining Room Melodies volunteer Rebekah Hoffman played the piano while residents were gathering together for lunch. Everyone was appreciative of the beautiful, relaxing music while waiting for the food to be served. Yes, our volunteer program has resumed and we need volunteers! If you are interested in helping at the Home, please contact Volunteer Coordinator Priscilla Bill at 923-2071 ext. 171 to find out the current process becoming a volunteer in a nursing home. An online CMS infection control program is now required. While volunteering at the Home is different than in the past, it is still extremely rewarding. Volunteers were used during BINGO that afternoon. Per resident request, colored marshmallows for tokens were again used. All loved winning the chocolate candy prizes. That evening the Apostolic Christian Faith Church Young Group came to sing and entertain with a Window Sing. The residents gather in the lobby to listen to the young people sing their hearts out as well as some even sang along. Many smiles were shared. Thank you to the youth who brought comfort to those who are shut in.

While the rains were gently falling on Tuesday morning, hearts were lifted during the Daily Guideposts reading. “The Lord is good unto them that wait for him.” Lamentations 3:25 That morning a resident again commented to the activity aide that “I enjoy hearing this daily reading and inspiration.” Later that morning during the Goodwill Club, ladies gathered in the activity room to write letters to their family members, sharing updates about their lives at the Home, especially since COVID. It was very exciting that afternoon for residents who were able to go on the first Country Drive for many months during the pandemic. On the way to their destination, they drove by some of the residents’ farms and homeplace so they could look back and reminisce about their days of growing up. One resident commented while looking at the corn and bean fields, “Boy, how things have changed since I was working in the field.” When arriving at Metamora square, the activity aide gave a little historical background on the buildings/objects on and around the square, which was nice for those not familiar with the area. Many thanks to volunteer bus driver Harold Sauder for making it a great time.

Wednesday was the monthly Birthday Party, celebrating everyone having a July birthday. God bless the Benson Baptist Church ladies under the organization of Dolly Norman for providing the delicious assortment of cakes. Thanks to Caleri’s in Roanoke for the wonderful cupcakes for each resident celebrating their special day, including Doris Goodin, the 3rd; Bill Noll, the 4th; Carol Knoll, the 17th; Edna Provenzano, the 30th; and others. For the entertainment, Winston Dunbar of Edelstein played beautiful piano. This was so special to hear his musical talent after so many months of not being able to have him inside the facility during the mandated COVID restrictions on nursing homes. The evening concluded with church over the intercom.

“All things work together for good to them who love the Lord.” Romans 8:28 was Thursday’s verse in the Daily Guideposts reading. Morning Stretch followed. Activity staff continued their boxing-the-air routine since that’s the continued favorite exercise. Word search puzzles were passed out that morning, too, with the themes fresh produce, outdoor décor and ice cream. Another round of BINGO drew residents back to the dining room after lunch. Thank you to the volunteers who are helping make this favorite activity run smoothly for the large number of residents who participate and thoroughly enjoy playing. Read-a-Long/Sing-a-Long was held in the evening with those who gathered enjoying the songs that they sung back in the day.

Sim Bates of Roanoke passed away on the 16th after living in the Country View apartments since 2018 and being a resident in the nursing home for approximately 3 weeks. Our deepest sympathy goes to Virginia and their children for their huge loss. During Step Back in Time, the year was 1950 to current, with reminiscing about how the times have changed. At that time, the life expectancy in the US was 47 years. Only 14% of homes had a bathtub and only 8% had a telephone in the home. The residents gave staff an inside look at the big changes they have witnessed over the years. What changes will there be in another 70-80 years? It was Popcorn and Movie that night to draw residents down to the activity room for fun and entertainment. A good ole gospel music DVD made for a wonderful close to the day.

SAVE THE DATE…August 27-28, 2021…is Homecoming Day! It has been decided to do a 2-day online auction again this year. Anyone who would like to donate a service or new item can drop it off at the Home during normal business hours, or call the Home to arrange another time. Thank you to those who have already brought in their donation as it is very helpful to get items/services as early as possible to prepare for the auction and also to be able to advertise. A fish fry is also being planning on Friday evening. Watch for further details when available in the newspaper as well as on the Home’s Facebook page and website.

NOTE: “The Cottage,” the new Countryside Barn used for indoor, climate-controlled window visits for residents and their families/friends, continues to be a great way to safely visit loved ones at the Home. This beautiful shed is located in the Home’s west parking lot in front of the building. Remember appointments MUST be scheduled in advance, using the link to Calendly on the homepage of the Home’s website:

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1102 W. Randolph St.

P.O. Box 530

Roanoke, IL 61561

Phone: 309-923-2071 
Fax: 309-923-7919
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